Mobile app

Redesign of IO Factory android app

A complete redesign of customer's current mobile app, focusing on latest design trends and great user experience for IO Factory users.


IO FACTORY are democratising software development, helping organisations in their digital transformation journey.


In March 2019, IO FACTORY launched its android App and since then, they’ve gone from strength to strength in the online tickets market. Unfortunately, since the app’s launch, it hasn’t seen the love or attention it deserves.

So, at the end of 2020, I helped IO FACTORY redesign its android app. Acting as their Lead UI Designer, we created new mobile guidelines and most of the features you’ll see to this day.

Research & Analysis

User research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methodologies. For me user research is “the process of understanding the impact of design on an audience”.

Wireframing & Prototyping

With the proper planning, we were able to confidently move into creating wireframes for the app. We took the decision to focus more on the functionality and structure of the app, opting for low-fidelity wireframes with very little detail. Ultimately, we could add design elements in later, what was important for our users, was that the product (above all) was clear and simple.